I Promise Chapter 7 In Times Past For The Boring Day Or Not! Author's note: Nihao! How's it going? Yes! The mess up fic still goes on. Anything goes, ne? The messed up fic that all started with a game of truth and dare. This chapter reveals the answer to a lot of questions. For example, What ever did happen to Ryoga? Is he alive? Did Tily all of a sudden joined the cast? How come she ain't a fairy anymore? Does Ranma and Akane watch the stars every night? Did Ranma give the 6000 yens to Nabiki? Did Kodachi do anything to try to keep Ranma? Do I have a hell of a lot of free time? (Maybe so! Answered!) Does the ice cream look good with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkle, and chopped up bananas when you stir them together? (Looks like puke but taste delicious! That question is answered!) This chapter is mainly around…Shampoo! ::Clap:: How come nobody claps with me? Translations: Konnichu'wa: Hello/Good afternoon -Desu: Used for when someone that introduces themselves. I'm/This is/Residence/etc. Hai: yes Ja ne: see ya later Tadaima: I'm home Nani: What Wouda Airen: My beloved (In Chinese of course) Dan dan soute: Load cannon Tu es: You are (Spanish) Gracious: Thank you (Spanish) Author's Sister's note: MY SIS IS A WACKO! vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkle, and chopped up bananas when you stir them together IS DISGUSTING!!!! Author's Note: Shut up Usagi Chiba! You know nothing about ice cream! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shampoo stared at the Mousse. Mousse stared at Shampoo. Akane stared at them both. Ranma stared out the window. The four were at Neko Hanten. Awhile has past and Mousse was struggling. "I…won't…give…up," He said. Shampoo started struggling. "I…no…give…either," She said. And then, Mousse blinked. Shampoo jumped up to her seat. "I win!" She cheered. Mousse looked at her. "Isn't there any else to do besides staring at each other?" he asked. Akane nodded. "He's right," she said. Akane looked at Ranma. Ranma was nodding at the window. He was also waving and giving off signs. Shampoo and Mousse looked at him. Shampoo raised an eyebrow while Akane slammed a mallet at Ranma. "Ranma! What are you looking at?" Ranma turned around and pointed out the window. "It's Ukyo," He answered. "So?" Mousse said. "She's with Tily," Ranma said. "So?" Shampoo said. "Tily looks like a normal girl," Ranma said. "So?" Akane said. "Wasn't Tily a fairy?" Ranma asked. Everybody brought a mallet and slammed it on Ranma's head. "You idiot! She can grow!" The three said in unison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Why at my place?" Ukyo asked. Tily smiled. "Well, at your place…we could eat a little after school snack," Tily said. Ukyo raised up an eyebrow. "One, you don't go to school. Two, school has been out for an hour," Ukyo said. Tily sighed. "Just c'mon," Tily said. She grabbed her hand and dragged her to Ucchan's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Behold the mighty Blanka!" Washi said. Ragi looked at her brother. "Chun Li will kick your ass!" She yelled. They were both at home playing Street Fighter when the telephone rang. Ragi looked at it. "Be back," she said as she stood up and walked to the phone. Washi shrugged and paused the game. Ragi answered the phone. "Konnichu'wa, Ragi Saotome-desu," Ragi greeted. She nodded, "Hai," She nodded some more, "six o'clock," She listened for a few seconds, "Surprise for Ukyo?" She nodded, "Sure," She nodded and listened for a few seconds, "All right, be there in a sec. Ja ne," Ragi hung up the phone. Washi was blinking. "Who was that?" he asked. "That was Miss Gabe," Ragi said as she picked up her jacket. Washi looked at her. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Ucchan's," Ragi answered. She opened the door, "I'll call ya when you can come," She said as she shut the door behind her. Washi blinked a couple of times. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Nihao! Thank for calling Neko Hanten. How may I help you?" Shampoo said. (Yes, it took her awhile to say that whole line right!) She nodded, "Okay. Bye," She hung up the phone. She went over to Mousse. "Mousse, Shampoo be gone for while. I call when you ready to come. Take care of restaurant," She said as she left the restaurant. Mousse blinked and then looked at Ranma and Akane. "Does anybody know what happened?" He asked. Ranma and Akane shrugged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ukyo be so happy," Shampoo said as she, Tily, and Ragi were outside of Ucchan's. "Yep," Tily said. "Where is Miss Kuonji?" Ragi asked. "She's in the restaurant," Tily said. "So, what is plan?" Shampoo asked. Tily smiled. "Well, first of all, Ragi, I want you to be with Ukyo until Me and Shampoo get the others and the surprise," Tily said. Ragi nodded and went inside Ucchan's. Tily looked at Shampoo. "Now, you go get the others while I run an errand," Shampoo nodded. Tily ran off while Shampoo started getting everybody. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So, Miss Kuonji, what did you get on your math exam?" Ragi asked. Ukyo held up the exam. Ragi looked at it. "Okay…how about your homework? Did you get that done?" Ragi asked. Ukyo nodded her head. "Okay…how about you and boys?" Ukyo's head perked up when Ragi mentioned that. Ragi noticed what she said. "Boys?" Ukyo asked. "No, I said…ahoy! Chips Ahoy! How are you and Chips Ahoy?" Ragi asked. Ukyo looked down. "My favorite kinds of cookies," she said. Ragi rolled her eyes. She would probably have to bring an umbrella…damn! She also can't get her mind off Ryoga! Heck…she didn't knew what Tily was doing! "All right," She said. Then everybody came in the restaurant. Ukyo looked up. "What's this all about? Were ya'll hungry?" Ukyo asked. Tily then came in. "Ukyo! Open the backdoor!" Tily said. Ukyo shrugged but did what she was commanded. She went to her room to open the door. Tily sat down with Shampoo at a table. "So, what is surprise?" Shampoo asked. Tily smiled. "You'll see," she said. Shampoo looked out the window when she heard a scream. So did everyone else. Shampoo saw Ukyo walk calmly out of her room. Everyone stared at her. "Why Ukyo scream?" Shampoo asked. Ukyo smiled as she stepped forward. She then turned around and motioned someone to come to her. Then, a person came walking in. Everyone stared and smiled. "Ryoga! You're alive!" Ranma cheered. Ryoga nodded. He put his hands in his pocket and looked down. Shampoo raised an eyebrow. Tily then started talking. "Yes, Ryoga Hibiki is back from the dead. I revived him by putting my fairy powers into him. That's enough to keep him alive for how long he needs to," Tily said. Ryoga looked at Ukyo. He smiled. Ukyo smiled back. "Ryoga, are you all right?" She asked. Ryoga nodded. Ukyo raised an eyebrow. "What's two plus two?" she asked. Ryoga held up four fingers. "What is your name?" Ukyo asked. Ryoga looked at her and mouthed out 'Ryoga.' Ukyo looked at Tily. "And how come he can't talk?" Ukyo asked. Tily mentally slapped herself. "I forgot to tell ya. It all started last night," ****************************************Flashback************************************* Tily put Ryoga down on a futon that Dr. Tofu had made. Dr. Tofu started observing the body. "He can't be revived. I'm sorry Tily," Dr. Tofu said. Tily closed her eyes for a moment then opened them. She smiled. "Hey doc, I think I know how to revive him! That way, he can be alive and I won't be a fairy!" Tily said. Dr. Tofu stared at her. "You're a fairy?" Dr. Tofu asked. Tily stared at him. "Long story. Now stand back," She ordered. She grabbed Ryoga's hand and closed her eyes. Dr., Tofu stared in awe as Ryoga and Tily started glowing. After a few seconds, Ryoga slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a couple times and sat up. He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. Instead, he started mouthing out words with gestures. Tily started laughing. "Word of advice, use signs. You won't be able to talk for a couple minutes, hours, or three days," Tily said. Ryoga nodded. "Okay, answer me this…are we still in Nerima?" Ryoga held up a sign. Dr. Tofu started cleaning his glasses as Tily started laughing. "Yeah, we're still in Nerima," Tily said. Ryoga nodded and held up another sign. "Then mind telling where I am?" It said. "You'll be spending the night at Dr. Tofu's," Tily said. Ryoga raised up and eyebrow. Dr. Tofu put his glasses on again and looked at Ryoga. "That's funny. He was playing harps a minute ago," he said. Ryoga had a worried face. "Dead? Where's Ukyo?" Ryoga held up another sign. Tily sighed and basically spilled her guts on the whole story. Even on how Ukyo told her. Ryoga blinked. ****************************************Flashback ends********************************* Tily nodded, "And that just what happened," She opened her eyes to see everyone talking to each other, Shampoo looking out the window, Ryoga and Ukyo kissing, Kuno doing Kendo practice, and Nabiki calculating the yens that Ranma now owes her plus tax. Tily started twitching and brought out a megaphone. She cleared her throat. "HEY! I'M TALKING HERE!" she yelled. Everybody stopped what they were doing, except Shampoo, Ryoga, and Ukyo, and looked at Tily. "Nice story," Nabiki clapped. Tily crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for the sarcasm," Tily muttered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Tadaima!" Akane yelled as she, Ranma, and Nabiki came inside the house. As they were taking off their shoes, they noticed something. The house. It seemed…odd, in some way. Akane raised an eyebrow. Ranma scratched his head while Nabiki ran up to her room. Akane peered inside the kitchen and saw Kasumi cooking. *Everything seems normal,* She went upstairs and to her room. She laid down on her bed and sighed. She was thinking for a minute when all of a sudden… "Now wait a minute! We had visited the future and Ryoga there was not dead! Meaning that he had revived! So, he never actually died! Actually, thanks to Tily," She said to herself. She then heard a knock on her door. Akane perked her head up. "Who is it?" she called. "It's Me, Ranma. And Ukyo, Ryoga, and Shampoo," he called out. Akane smiled. "C'mon in," She called as she sat on her bed. Ranma opened the door and he, Ryoga, Ukyo, and Shampoo came in. "Sup," Akane greeted. "I'm fine," Ranma smiled. "I'm more than fine," Ukyo said. "I am fine," Ryoga held up a sign. "I fine," Shampoo said. Akane smiled. "So, why did you guys come here?" Akane asked. Ranma closed the door behind him. "To hang out for awhile," Ranma said. "Hey, where's Mousse?" Akane asked. "Can't come," Shampoo said. "Why?" Ukyo asked. Shampoo shrugged. "He no tell," Shampoo said. "Oh well, does anybody know what they want to do?" Ranma asked. Everybody shrugged. "Don't worry, I'm sure we could think of anything with we think," Ryoga held up a sign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mousse was sweeping the floors of Neko Hanten. He told Shampoo to leave without him. You know why? He needed to think! "Why? Why? Why? Why am I thinking about it? Why am I always thinking about Shampoo in…" Mousse blinked and shook his head rapidly, trying to get a picture of Shampoo in a bikini out of his head. He couldn't get the image out of his head. He smiled. "Ah…forget it," He ran out of the restaurant and headed for the Tendo Dojo. He smiled at those images. How he can't wait to maybe go to the beach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Shampoo can't help it!" Shampoo said as she started laughing. Ranma was now on the floor laughing as well. Akane was blinking. Mousse came into Akane's room. "Hi ya'll," He greeted. Mousse was staring at Shampoo and Ranma. He then looked at Ryoga and Ukyo. "Don't mind us! Just some innocent lovebirds here, that's all!" Ryoga held up a sign. Ryoga and Ukyo were just talking with each other. (At least Ukyo is. Ryoga sorta learned sign language. So did Ukyo but she decided to talk.) Mousse looked at Akane. "What happen?" Mousse asked. Akane shrugged. "I don't know. They just started laughing for no apparent reason," Akane said. Ranma managed to sit up. "Nope, it's not that," Ranma said with laughs in between. Akane stared at him. "What?" She said. "Look out window," Shampoo said. Akane looked out her window and started laughing. Mousse then checked out the window as well. There outside was a guy beating a mime to a pulp. The mime tried to fight back with imaginary weapons. Mousse started laughing. Ryoga and Ukyo looked at them and then at each other. "Nani?" Ukyo looked at them. Ryoga shrugged. He gave out sign language to Ukyo. "So…shall we call a psychiatrist or something?" Ryoga signed. Ukyo giggled. "No, maybe next time," Ukyo said. Ryoga smiled and put an arm around Ukyo. Shampoo stopped laughing and wiping a tear off her eyes. That would probably be the last time she laughs that hard. Shampoo sighed. "You think it to boring today?" Shampoo said. "Let's see…besides the point that you guys were laughing your ass away, yeah, I think today is boring," Ryoga held up a sign. Ukyo stared at him. "Ryoga!" She yelled. Ryoga smiled and shrugged. Shampoo laid down on the floor and looked at the ceiling. "Okay, any ideas what we do now?" Shampoo said. Mousse laid down beside Shampoo. "Maybe we can play truth or dare," Mousse said. Shampoo sat up. "That it! We play truth or dare!" Shampoo said. Mousse mentally smacked himself. *I should've never suggested that!* Mousse thought. Ryoga and Ukyo stared at Shampoo. They both stood up. "Look at the time! I gotta get going to work," Ukyo said. "Me too. Work is really important today," Ryoga held up a sign. They started tip toeing out of Akane's room. "I thought we friends," Shampoo said. Ryoga and Ukyo stopped. They came back to the middle and sat down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Washi and Ragi were going to the Tendo Dojo. If only they knew the dangers ahead. Ragi saw Tily walking around. She started waving to her. "Hey yo! Miss Gabe! Over here!" Ragi said. Tily looked at her and smiled. She ran over to them. "Hi Ragi, where are you guys going?" Tily asked. "We're gonna visit Mr. Saotome. Wanna come?" Ragi asked. Tily twitched. "Me? Visit Ranma? Have you gone crazy?! No way I'm gonna visit him! After all he did to me in junior high, I ought to snatch his head right off and-" "Mr. Hibiki is visiting him," Ragi said. Tily stopped talking and looked at Ragi suspiciously. Finally she gave out a sigh. "All right, I'll go," Tily said. Washi raised an eyebrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nabiki and Kuno were walking to Nabiki's house. Kuno looked at the sky. "Tis a thing of wonder on how this weather is soothingly pleasant today, do not you think?" Kuno asked Nabiki. Nabiki smiled. "Yep! And tis a thing of wonder on how destiny brought us together," Nabiki said. They arrived at the Tendos. Nabiki opened the door. "Tadaima!" She yelled. There was Shampoo awaiting her. Nabiki stared at her. "Nihao Airen," Shampoo said. Nabiki looked at Kuno. Shampoo then hugged Nabiki. Nabiki stared at her in horror. "Wait, wait! What the hell are you doing women! Get off me!" Nabiki commanded. Shampoo gave a quick kiss on Nabiki's cheek and ran upstairs. Kuno blinked and Nabiki pinched herself. "What was that for?" Kuno asked. "I think Shampoo just turned into a lesbian," Nabiki said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shampoo sat down on a stair where Ranma, Akane, Ryoga, Ukyo, and Mousse were. Shampoo glared at Ryoga. "Stupid pig boy! Now they think I lesbian!" Shampoo said. Ryoga smiled and held up a sign. "You did the dare," Shampoo glared at him. She was about to bring out a bonbori when she heard the door open. "Is Ranma here?" "Yeah, he's in his room, I think," "Thank you," Soon Ragi, Washi, and Tily joined the gang on the stairs. "What are you guys doing?" Ragi asked. Ranma smiled. "We were playing truth or dare and one of you three could be Shampoo's next victim," Ranma said. Ragi and Washi looked at each other. They both stood up. "Come on Ragi, let's go," Washi said. "Yes sir," Ragi said and they would've left the house if it weren't for Ranma holding the twin's shirt collar. "And where do you think you guys are going?" Ranma asked. Ragi turned around. "Well ain't it obvious? We're going back to our apartment where that game won't hurt us," Ragi said. Tily laughed. Shampoo looked at her. "You next victim," Shampoo said. Tily stopped laughing. "Me?" Tily pointed to herself. Shampoo nodded. "Truth or dare?" Shampoo asked. Tily thought about this. "Today, Tily, today," Ranma said. *Let's see…if I pick dare, then I'll have to do something that will not be very safe, but if I pick truth…* "Truth,* Tily said. Shampoo rubbed her hands in delight. "All right. Which guy you wish your boyfriend? Mousse? Ranma? Ryoga? Or Kuno?" Shampoo asked. Tily gave out a gulp. She then sighed. "All right, I'll tell. But all you girls have to promise not to kill me," Tily said. All the girls nodded. "Sure, why would I kill you?" Everybody turned and noticed that Nabiki and Kuno joined them. Tily sighed. "Okay, okay, I give. A tie between Ryoga and Kuno," Tily said. She noticed that Ryoga and Kuno blushed while Ukyo and Nabiki were fuming. Tily gulped. "How 'bout we do something different?" Ragi smiled. Everyone looked at her. "Different?" Shampoo gulped. Ragi and Washi looked at each other. "Washi, remember that one truth and dare game that was more deadly than this?" Ragi asked. Washi smiled. "Double Decker Deadly Dare?" Washi asked. Ragi nodded. Tily just stared at them. "Where are you from? Some sorta different universe? Or kids from the future that has the Double Decker whatever in which you guys play all the time?" Tily asked. Ragi and Washi stared at each other. "I guess she doesn't know," Ragi whispered to Washi. Tily started laughing. "Yeah right! As if there are such things as people from the future or aliens," Tily said. Ranma sighed. "If only you knew the truth," he muttered. Ryoga didn't care about the dialogue that was going on. He sorta seemed interested on that Double Decker Deadly Dare. "Explain this dare," Ryoga held up a sign. Ragi laughed evilly. "With pleasure Mr. Hibiki, with pleasure," she said. She stood up, "Anybody that wants to come with me to the upstairs to play the game follow me…if you dare," Ragi smirked. Ryoga stood up. Since Ryoga was coming, Ukyo stood up. Since Ukyo and her were friends/rivals, Shampoo decided to come. Since Shampoo decided to come…Ah, you know the cycle. It's to hard to explain. Let's just put it this way for you guys to catch on a little bit, Tily decided not to join. That's explains everything. They left while everyone else went upstairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "All right, here's how we play the game," Ragi said. All the lights were out, the shades were down, and there was a flashlight that was on about an inch below Ragi's chin. (You know, like if you were gonna tell a ghost story.) Ragi laughed a bit. "How we play?" Shampoo asked. Ragi looked at her. "Well, who ever has the flashlight makes the dare. How we get the flashlight is pretty complicated. Your hands are behind your back. Now the person who did had possession of the flashlight spins the flashlight like if they were spinning a bottle from the game spin the bottle. But before you spin the flashlight, you must have a number between one through ten already in your head. The others have a number behind their back. Now if the light of the flashlight points to you, you must show your fingers. If you hold up the number that is exact or a number away from it, you now hold possession of the flashlight. Once you do, you flash the light at the person you would do the dare. Then you ask your most deadliest dare of all. That's how the game is done. AHAHAHAHAHA!" Ragi laughed to complete the thunder outside. Nabiki stared at Kuno. "Kuno? Did you do that thunder?" Nabiki asked. Kuno laughed a bit. "Maybe, maybe not," Kuno said. Ragi smiled. "Okay, let's begin," Ragi set the flashlight down. The flashlight went round and round and round and round and…you get the drift here, right? It then stopped on its first prey. "All right Miss Shampoo, show your number," Ragi said. Shampoo held up her hand. She held up seven fingers. Ragi smiled. "My number is seven. Here's the flashlight Miss Shampoo," Ragi handed Shampoo the flashlight. Shampoo smiled as she shined it on someone that she wanted revenge on. "Ryoga, you get it now," Shampoo said. Ryoga smiled. He did some sign language to Ukyo. Ukyo turned to Shampoo. "Ryoga said make it your worst," Ukyo translated. Shampoo smiled. "That so?" Shampoo said. Ryoga nodded. Shampoo stood up. She made Ryoga stand up. With the guide of the flashlight, they went inside Akane's walk in closet. Shampoo turned on the lights in the closet. Ryoga looked at Shampoo and held up a sign. "Okay, what is it?" "Try find way out closet with lights off," Shampoo said. Ryoga stared at her. He held up another sign. "What's with everybody trying to make me lost?" "I leaving," Shampoo turn off the lights and left the closet. Yet again, she used the guide of the flashlight to go back to the circle. She sat down and placed the flashlight down on the ground. "Okay, I ready to spin," Shampoo said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Somewhere, maybe in Tahiti… *Dammit! Shampoo is gonna pay big time,* Ryoga walked around. *Now I'm definitely sure this is not Akane's closet,* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was the next day. Shampoo was in Neko Hanten still smiling about that dare from yesterday. Shampoo started running to Mousse. "Wouda Airen!" Shampoo jumped on Mousse. Mousse smiled. "Good morning to you too," Mousse said. Shampoo smiled. Mousse gave Shampoo a piggy back ride to the kitchen. Mousse set Shampoo down and Shampoo put a pot down and turned on the stove. She looked at Mousse with a smile. "You had good night sleep?" Shampoo asked. Mousse rubbed his glassed. "I'm still wondering how you are able to wake up this early and be so jumpy," Mousse said. He yawned. Shampoo winked. "Can Mousse say sugar and coffee?" Shampoo said. Mousse smiled and yawned some more. "Well, I need to go put on my contacts," Mousse walked away. Shampoo started throwing in some ingredients. She then saw someone come in the restaurant. She went out of the kitchen to see who it was. "Nihao, welcome-," Her expression changed when she noticed it was Cologne. She sighed. *Oh no!* She smiled. "Nihao great grandmother. Had good trip to China? What took so long?" Shampoo asked. Cologne laughed a bit. "I had a wonderful time at China. I was going to fly my plane home a couple days ago when someone told me that some Chinese girl told them not to let me aboard. I wonder who it is?" Cologne stared at Shampoo. Shampoo started walking back to the kitchen. "Nope, Don't know," She ran back to the kitchen and locked the door. Mousse came back. He stared at Shampoo while Shampoo was holding the door shut. Mousse put a hand behind his head. "Who's there? Some type of lunatic out to murder people?" Mousse asked. Shampoo looked at him. "Yes!" Shampoo said. Mousse raised an eyebrow. "The old ghoul came back, didn't she?" Mousse asked. Shampoo nodded. "Hiya!" "Battle stations!" Mousse said. In five minutes, both Shampoo and Mousse were wearing a camouflaged hats, a black mark under each eye, and some flour with them as ammo as they were hiding behind a table that fell down. "Open the door!" Cologne yelled. "You shall never take us alive!" Mousse yelled. "Tell her Mousse!" Shampoo cheered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ukyo started walking to school. While walking she started stretching her arms. "Geez, we should never had played that game by one in the morning," She put her hands in her pocket. She was passing by Neko Hanten when she heard some yelling in it. She looked at it. "What in the world?!" She yelled and ran inside Neko Hanten. She saw Cologne beating on the door, Ranma, Akane, Ragi, Washi, Nabiki, Kuno, and Ryoga behind a table that fell down. Ukyo stayed put and raised an eyebrow. Ryoga crawled over to her and grabbed her hand. He yanked Ukyo down and they both crawled back to the table. Ukyo stared at Ryoga. "You came back?" Ukyo smiled. Ryoga nodded. "Yeah, I did. I found Neko Hanten to get my revenge on Shampoo when all of a sudden, all this stuff started being thrown at and I set a table down to protect myself," Ryoga said in sign language. Ukyo smiled. "Shampoo! Open the door!" Cologne yelled. "Never! Lt. Mousse! Aim cannon!" Everyone heard Shampoo say. "Yes ma'am," Everybody heard Mousse. Seconds later, everybody heard and saw a cannonball flying through the kitchen door and out of the front door. Everyone that was behind the table stared at the front door. "Whoa, she wasn't kidding," Nabiki said. Everybody nodded. "I shall never give up the war!" Cologne said. Everybody started to crawl out the restaurant. Cologne pointed her stick to them. "You guys stay!" She ordered. That order was so cold everybody stopped and went back behind the table. Cologne turned back to the door. "All right Shampoo! You want a real war?! I have some hostages! Unless this war ends, they're not going anywhere!" Cologne said. "Then let World War III begin!! AHAHAHAHA! Lt. Mousse, dan dan soute!" Shampoo yelled. "Dan dan soute! Dan dan soute!" Mousse said. "FIRE!" Shampoo gave a command. Another cannonball flew by. "Let it stop! Please!" Nabiki yelled. "I, Scout Tily Gabe, report to duty ma'am," Everyone heard Tily said. Yes! Someone that was actually smart enough to go through the back door! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shampoo smiled at Tily. Tily was also wearing a camouflage hat and a black mark below each eye. Shampoo motioned Tily to a cupboard. "Help Shampoo with flour, spice, sugar, miscellaneous," Shampoo said. Tily nodded. "Yes ma'am," Tily said. They started grabbing out all the stuff. Shampoo opened a bag of flour she threw it out of a hole that a cannonball made. She looked through the hole and saw a puff of smoke. She turned to Tily. "Quickly, more ammo," Shampoo ordered. "Yes ma'am," Tily handed her another bag of flour. Before Shampoo opened bullets started coming in the kitchen. "Minna! Duck!" Shampoo yelled. Shampoo, Mousse and Tily ducked. Shampoo took the bag of flour. She opened and threw it out the hole and ducked again. More bullets came. "Do you give up now Shampoo?!" Shampoo heard Cologne said. She stood up and raised a fist. "Never!" Shampoo opened some itching powder and threw the can out the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Behind the hostage table, everyone was itching their ass off! Akane sighed since they were more than thirty minutes late for school, Ranma was scratching himself like a dog trying to get fleas out, Ryoga kept on scratching his arm, Ukyo used one of her small spatulas to scratch her back, everyone else didn't get affected but to put long terms to short, everyone was itching to get out of the half destroyed restaurant! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Okay troop, here plan," Shampoo said as Mousse, Tily, and her huddled up behind the table. She turned to Mousse, "Mousse help Shampoo with ammo," She turned to Tily, "Tily rescue hostages," Shampoo said. Mousse and Tily nodded. "Yes ma'am," They both said. Shampoo looked at Tily. "Now, when Shampoo give signal, go rescue two at time. Shampoo give another signal and rescue two more, and on, and, on, until everyone saved, got it?" Shampoo asked, Tily nodded. "I shall do my best Sergeant Shampoo," Tily said. They stood up and sat back down when fireworks went in the kitchen. Shampoo and Mousse started filling a big glass jar with flour, sugar, stuff like that. As soon as that was filled up, they closed the jar and loaded it in the cannon. Shampoo was beside the cannon and looking through the hole. "Aim at middle of floor," Shampoo commanded. Mousse did that. "Aimed at middle of the floor," Mousse said. "FIRE!" Shampoo commanded. The jar went flying out of the cannon and crashed down to the floor. It hit the floor with a clang and flour and sugar started filling the room. Shampoo nodded to Tily and Tily ran out of the kitchen. A couple seconds later, she returned with Ragi and Washi. The three were as pale as ghost, including their clothes. Tily went back out and came back with Akane and Nabiki. She left and came back with Ranma, Ryoga, and Kuno. All eight of them were as pale as fresh fallen snow. Shampoo smiled out the hole. "Great grand mother, now you give up?" Shampoo said. "Never!" Cologne yelled. Soon, Shampoo and everyone else ducked down as a bullet from a bazooka came soaring through the kitchen. Shampoo turned to everyone. "All those go t